Snowflake Sprite Door Deco

Hi there 🙂  Well, this project took so many twists and turns, I’m positively dizzy.  The only things that are the same as when I originally thought of it is the fact that I used aluminum window screen, it’s a door deco, and I used one of the adorable Sprites from Aurora Wings.  The original plan was a bow, but then I decided to cut strips from the screen, because I really thought it would be a good idea to scratch and cut my hands from here to kingdom come!! I fishtailed the edges, then bent and gathered them around a metal ring.  I added some glitter glue….smeared around on the edges…to seal the screen, add some sparkle, and further damage my hands!!  I was going to use a different Sprite, and, in fact, had it all colored up, when I was gifted 5 sprites from an amazingly generous anonymous lady (anyone that knows me, knows that I’ve lost sleep trying to figure out the anonymous part, lol.  But I’ve put the burning curiosity aside, and am just so very grateful to this person and their big heart <3 ).  I used the Snowflake Sprite,  coloring it up in very pale shades of pink and silver, with my Copic and SN markers.  I added glitter and pearly dots before fussy cutting it out.  I die cut 2 shapes, with some Michael’s nesting dies, from pink and silver metallic card stock.  I twisted the dies, and adhered the Sprite to them.  I then set to work cutting snowflakes, using Echo Park dies, from the same metallic card stock, as well as some iridescent glitter CS.  I attached some of these snowflakes to a thin silver wire (one thing that I did NOT have in my stash, so had to run out and purchase… silver wire at Michael’s, or the first 3 dollar stores that I visited!!!)  The wire allow the snowflakes to flutter around the Sprite.  I glued a few more snowflakes directly to the screen, and added a scattering of silver and iridescent sequins…..because you can’t have too much sparkle at Christmas!! This was extremely difficult to photograph, as the lighting sucked at the time, the pale colors of the Sprite aren’t captured, and the mirror metallic CS makes everything complicated!! However, I did manage to get a few close ups to give an idea of the project.  By the way….this one won’t be a gift, either….I like it too much, and it has found its home on MY door 🙂


I’d like to enter this into the following:

Aurora Wings Challenge Blog – #61 Metallics

World Wide Open DT Challenge – #28 Nov. 2017

Simon Wednesday Challenge – ATG

Creative Knockouts – #222 Snow Much Fun

Cut It Up – #136 Christmas Song (Let It Snow by Dean Martin)


  1. Gosh, this is amazing, Susan! Who would have thought to make this out of an aluminum window screen? That’s brilliant! And the result is nothing short of spectacular. I LOVE pink and white on the Snowflake Sprite with all that glitter~!! I can’t get over how beautiful this turned out. So glad you were able to get this done with hours to spare. Thank you for joining our Metallics challenge at AWCB! Mitzi xx

  2. OMG! How gorgeous is this!?! I can’t even begin to tell you how fabulously creative and amazing you are. (partly because I’ve just come home from a wine event and ahem…) Beautiful coloring on Snowflake Sprite and the way the extra snowflakes dance about her is enchanting. Don’t even know what to say about the transformation of the aluminum window screen besides YOU ROCK! Thanks so much for joining our ‘Metallics’ challenge at Aurora Wings. xxD

  3. Those sprites are all so stunning. It must have been hard to choose the one to adorn your door. Great job persevering in the face of damaged hands!! 😉 It turned out beautiful! I wouldn’t give it away, either!

    Thanks for joining us for our Christmas Song challenge at Cut it Up!


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