Sympathy Poppies

Good morning 🙂  The first of May already!!! At least it finally feels like spring time here….it was an extremely long winter, and I’m sure we’re all ready for some sunshine and warmth!!! I was asked to join the DT ladies at the Sheepski Designs Blog for this months challenge 🙂  The theme is Use Your Favorite Color.  My favorite has always been red, so the beautiful Poppy (image #116) is the perfect choice from the Sheepski Designs store to work with :).  When you do your shopping there, remember to use a code to save some $$!  Here’s my code:


It’s been a while since I’ve used my Prismacolor pencils for any coloring, so I printed the image, and sentiment, out on some new paper that I’m trying for pencils.  I’m a notoriously cheap…er…..thrifty….person, so am always looking for a less expensive alternative to “almost” everything.  I was in Michael’s and browsing around….I think I was looking for something really random, so was going up and down every aisle.  I was in the kid’s section, and saw some paper pads, so of course reached over to see them, and to feel for a “tooth” in the paper.  The paper was a bright white, and the tooth was PERFECT!!!  And – the paper pad was $5.99 for 40 sheets!!!!  MINE!  My pencils layered beautifully on it….I did get a bit lazy with the background….but my excuse is that I wanted a bit more of a rustic look, lol.  The only thing I can say about this paper that’s remotely negative is that it’s lightweight….not crazy light, but lighter that the “grown up” paper that I’ve been using (but even my ultra finicky printer at work took it!).  Anyhow……..after coloring the image, I distressed the edges and layered it on a printed paper that I’d also distressed.  I matted everything with some red, and added a few grey pearls to finish this off 🙂

I’d like to enter this in the following challenges:

Create and Inspire – #73 ATG

Crafty Gals Corner – #164 ATG

Through the Craft Room Door – ATG for the week of May 1

Lemon Shortbread Challenge – #66 ATG

A Gem of A Challenge – #218 Get Well or Sympathy Cards


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