Water Lily

Hello!! I’m a bit late in posting this, it’s been one of “those” weeks!! A new challenge started at Creative Fingers yesterday….as always, it’s ATG.  Our lovely Angelique is sponsoring this time, with a lovely border die as a prize!

For my card, I used a beautiful image by Christine Karron.  The line art version of Water Lily Fairy can be found here, as well as part of a pack, here.  As with almost all of Christine’s art, this is also available in greyscale 🙂  I colored this lovely up with my Copics, adding some finishing details with my Prismacolor pencils and a gold gel pen.

I messed around looking for papers, trying to find some that complimented the image without overpowering it.  I found the yellow and dark green prints in my scraps, and matted them with a pink that matched up with the tips of the water lilies in the image.  For embellishments, I didn’t want anything too overpowering, but the card needed a little something.  Some gold outline vine stickers, a sprinkling of gold UTEE, and a gold sentiment sticker all fit the bill 🙂  Here’s another angle of the card

I’d like to enter this in the following:

Lemon Shortbread Challenge – #79 ATG

Through the Craft Room Door – ATG week of October 30

Crafty Hazelnut’s Patterned Paper – November ATG with Patterned Paper

Cute Card Thursday – #554 ATG

Incy Wincy Designs Challenge – Happy Birthday


  1. What a pretty image. Good job in coloring it! Like your choice of background papers. Thank you for sharing your creation with us @Incy Wincy Designs Happy Birthday Challenge. Good luck!-Maria Giselle B.

  2. This is so adorable ! Thank you for joining us over at TTCRD this weeK!!! I hope to see you again with us next week !! Hugs!!
    Claudia – DT

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