Spring Fever

Hi there 🙂  This card makes me chuckle, as it’s probably the most honest spring themed card that I could ever make.  Much as I love the warmer weather, and looking for the first bits of green and spring blooms, the sure harbinger of spring for me is – you got it – a nasty spring cold!!!! I don’t do colds well…the sniffles, and runny nose, and teary eyes and aches – makes me whine a bit more than perhaps I should, lol.  This little sweetie, from Mo’s Digital Pencil, is the spirit of spring!!! I colored “Sick” up with my Copics, feeling a real kinship with her as I kept reaching for tissue between strokes of marker.

I dug around in my scrap bin and found some bright pieces of patterned paper that coordinated well with each other and the image, and edged them with some white gel pen details.  I embossed a piece of lime green CS for an additional layer.  I used the same green to die cut a sentiment multiple times, so, when they were glued together, it gave some nice dimension.

  Besides some bright pink Nuvo drops, the only other embellishment was….pieces of tissue!! I was really smiling by the time this card was finished….as I hope the recipient will….if she can stop sneezing for long enough!!

I’d like to enter this in the following:

Mo’s Digital Pencil Challenge – #278 Anything “Mo” Goes, optional theme “Spring”

Crafty Hazelnut’s Patterned Paper Challenge – April ATG with Patterned Paper

Corrosive Challenge Blog – #4 April ATG

Addicted to Stamps Challenge – #173 Lots of Layers

Pixie’s Snippets Playground – #350 ATG with Snippets



  1. A lovely card in bright and cheerful colours. The poor girl does indeed not look wel at all, an adorable stamp. look at the cute bunnie slippers! So sweet. A great idea with the adding of tissues. This does realy bring a smile to everyone! Thanks for joining our challenge at Addictd to Stamps.

  2. Hahaha…love the tissues sticking out everywhere…been there this past few weeks, totally get that look 😀 Gorgeous creation. Thank you for sharing with us at Craftyhazelnut’s PPC XXX

  3. Brilliant card – great design – I love the tissues!! Thanks for joining in with our returning challenge at Mo’s Digital Pencil this month, good luck! Juliex

  4. What a super card this is Susan! And the image cracks me up – hope you’re feeling lots better by now. Sorry I’m late commenting!


    Di xx

  5. Oh My gosh! That tissue on your card is just the BEST!! I’m sorry you caught a cold…but honestly, that tissue is inspired!! (I am soooo going to steal that idea from you!!) I love your coloring too! Thanks for joining us for our April Challenge at Mo’s. Hopefully you’re feeling better!! Hugs, Pat Frank

  6. Brilliant card, love that image and your fabulous design, can really empathise with this as I’m suffering with hayfever for the first time in my life!!

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