
Hi 🙂 I’m here today with some inspiration for the challenge at the Sheepski Designs Facebook group. We’re always ATG, but each month, we have an optional twist…..this month that twist is Square Cards. Any image from Sheepski Designs can be used, and we’d love to see your creations!!! I’ve been eyeing up Curly for quite some time now, so this month, he got to take centre stage! 🙂 I colored him up with my Copics….he’s great practice on hair/fur!!!

I grabbed some cool printed paper, and cut an aperture for Mr. Curly to look out of. I matted the print paper with some teal CS – a color I picked up from the print. I printed the sentiment on my computer, then cut it with a fishtail banner die. I dug through my MASSIVE stash of buttons, and found some odd ones that coordinated with the card colors, and tied them with some embroidery floss before attaching them to the card 🙂

Since I regularly get orders for “good-bye/good luck” cards, this project puts me one step ahead!!

I’d like to enter this in the following:

Brown Sugar Challenges – #292 ATG

Ally’s Angels – #25 ATG

Morgan’s Artworld Open Challenge – #08 ATG

Crafty Hazelnut’s Patterned Paper Challenge – August ATG with Pattern Paper

2 Crafty Critter Crazies – #29 ATG with a Critter


  1. Wow! Your coloring is amazing! Curly looks awesome! Love the sentiment you used and the way your framed Curly! Thanks for sharing Curly with us at 2 Crafty Critter Crazies Challenges!

  2. Incredible colouring, love the image and the background paper, a beautiful card. Thank you so much for joining us in our Morgan’s Artworld Open Challenge at We would love to see you again in our next challenge.

    Faith Morgans Artworld DT

    Morgans Artworld

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