Holly Fairy

Hi there 🙂 Here is my last inspiration of November for the Ching-Chou Kuik Facebook group challenge. Our theme is Remembrance/Thanksgiving/Thinking of You….and this week the DT had an extra challenge of “Christmas”. I like to combine the main theme with the DT themes, to avoid confusion of prospective entrants, and I think I managed to do that here 🙂 I used the lovely Holly Fairy image, from THIS set, found at the Etsy store. I colored her up with my Copics, then set to figuring out what to do with the rest of the card!!

My scrap bin is getting a bit out of hand, so I felt as if I should really start using more of those scraps (any piece less than 4 x 6″ ends up in this bin). I dug around until I found some pieced that coordinated with each other and the image, and played around until I came up with the final layout.

I feel the stitching adds a bit of definition between the main background piece and the card blank….the zig zag borders reflected this stitching. On the striped piece, I added some doodled stitches to coordinate with the die cut frame. The holly die cuts are from Tim Holtz and are finished with sequin “berries”. The sentiment is one I made on the computer 🙂

I’d like to enter this in the following:

Southern Girls Challenge – ATG with Team Lou

ABC Christmas Challenge – W for Wreath & X for fauX (faux stitching)

Pammy’s Inky Pinkies -ATG #1946

Get Creative Challenge – #86 AG/Opt Twist of Holidays

Pixie’s Snippets Challenge – #366 ATG with Snippets


  1. Love this Susan, brilliantly coloured, and I am glad you had scraps which matched perfectly. I must go through mine – thank you for joining us at ABC Christmas Challenge 🙂 Lynda DT

  2. Wow Susan! This is absolutely gorgeous, wonderful use of those snippets and your colouring is just perfection. I love it!


    Di xx

  3. Beautifully coloured and put together.

    Thanks for sharing it with us at Craftyhazelnut’s Patterned Paper Challenge.

    Helen x

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